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Monday, August 11, 2008

The My Striker Wont Score Syndrome

The ‘My Striker Wont Score’ Syndrome! - Explained and Solutions

Ever since the dawn of Champ-Man, people have always complained about their strikers not scoring. This year, you may be complaining more so.

I am pretty much oblivious to what actually changed in the ‘Match Engine Revamp’ but there is one goat that is the obvious to most people:

The average conversion-rate in a one-on-one with a goalkeeper has decreased, thus making it more difficult for any given player to score in this situation.

It is not a massive increase in difficulty, but people will naturally exaggerate on the change due to their own tactical flaws. It is important to understand that everything SI does to game, through new releases and patches, is to make the game more realistic (yeah, well done Einstein). If that means a certain part of the game has become more difficult to succeed in, then so be it.

A lot of people would argue that this has not made the game more realistic, but in fact made it more unplayable. These people need to wake up and smell the bacon.

The average conversion-rate for a one-on-one is floating around the 30% mark. Does that sound about right, around 30% of your one-on-ones flying in the back of net?

Less than 30%? - here are some things to consider


Attributes are obviously important; they define how well a player will do a certain task on the pitch and ultimately adhere to your tactical instructions.

David Villa and Michael Owen are two fine examples of the best one-on-one finishers in the world. Look at what they have in common:

Villa's Attribute Screenshot

Owen's Attribute Screenshot
The attributes that they have in common that amount to them being a prolific one-on-one goal-scorer are very clear.

Key attributes: Finishing and Composure
Important attributes: Concentration, Decisions and Creativity
Semi-important: Bravery, Technique and Anticipation

Important Tactical Instrutions

Creative Freedom

To much creative freedom will cause your striker to be too audacious, shots will go high and wide in an attempt to score a dazzling goal. It is good if your striker is naturally a good creative player, then you can grant him lots of creative freedom with insurance that he will use it to benefit his game and put the ball in the back of net.

Not giving him enough creative freedom will normally cause a striker to be very precarious with their shots and you will see alot of shots straight at the goalkeeper or fairly close to his body. Any striker needs a decent amount of creative freedom so his shots on goal will be more 'natural' and allow him to beat the keeper in a more clever way.

Tempo and Time-Wasting

A high tempo, very little time-wasting or a mixture of the both will cause players to release the ball quicker when after recieving it. Unless you have strikers with like Villa and Owen, who have great decisions attributes then this can cause players to shoot too soon or make the wrong kind of shot. Lesser skilled players, or even top class players will need time to think, even if it just a couple of seconds.

Alternative Goal Scoring

In real life football, very few teams rely on one-on-one oppurtunities alone to aid their goal scoring tallies. There are lots of different ways to score other than through balls to a pacy striker. If you do attempt this way and this way alone, you may continue to be baffled by score-lines that seemingly unfavour your team.

In my experiance, goals from different 'angles' and areas of the pitch can often favour a side in any league.

Set Pieces

You must take your time setting out your set pieces and attempting to make the most of deal ball situations. You can even do an Everton 05' and pretty much rely on winning and excuting set pieces to win you matches. For now, ask around at the forums for help with set pieces untill I or someone else assembles a much needed set pieces guide.

Down Both Flanks

Invest in a powerhead striker, some talented wingers and get the ball down the flanks. You dont have to always rely on 'down both flanks' but occasionally switching to or leaving focus play 'mixed' will open much more goal scoring oppurtunities from different angles.

Using Your Players

Especially at home, or up against an average/lesser side, get more defensive/controversial players involved in attacks. If different players from different areas of the pitch are pushing up to aid an attack, then the final balls will varie alot more and cause the opposition a lot of grief. Getting players in and around the box will open your team up for alot more passes and eventually shots towards goal; from different angles of the pitch.
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