Triple L is back at it again and this time introduces us into the depths of the training/youth facilities and youth academy. Definately check a read!
I am writing this for the 'newer' FM players but if you are more advanced and read it i am sure you will make use of it somehow as it is pretty useful for a re-cap.
In this guide, i will be looking at the aspects of Training Facilites, Youth Facilities & the perpose of a Youth Academy.
1a. - Training Facilities
1b. - Youth Facilities
1c. - Youth Academy
2. - Board / Finances / Club Reputation and how they affect your Facilities
1a. Training Facilities
Right to get this off and running we will look at the purpose and needs of the Training Facilities on FM.
You have different 'grades' so to speak when starting the game. The best teams usually have 'Top Training Facilities', others lower would probably be looking at 'Good', 'Average', 'Basic' and 'Minimal' (Others may occur).
The difference in class depends on how well your team train and it determines how much of his potential he can feel, as 'Top' would be the best, letting them achieve all of their potential using the right trainging scheduals, and 'Minimal' making them not achieve much of their potential (remember not all players will reach their potential at any level because of injuries, not enough first team chances ect..).
The lower leagues don't really need GREAT facilities as players need the physical side of the game more so, and be warned if you buy a player who is used to player in the higher leagues he will decrease in potential and ability.
If you are trying to sign someone and your club has better Training Facilities than the club he is at, then he MIGHT be tempted because of the calibre of training you can provide for his future.
In summary, the better your Training Facilities the better your club can run as a whole.
1b. Youth Facilities
As in the last section there are different grades, Ranging from 'Top' or 'State Of The Art' Facilities going as low as 'Minimal', 'Poor' ect.. The lower the league then the worse the facilities will be.
Youth Facilities are very similar to Training Facilities, but it is meant for the younger generation, it determines how your youth players will develop.
Once again the higher the grade, or 'class' of your Youth Facilities, means the better your youth players will turn out (the more potential your youth players have will mean more impact on how they improve, depending on whether they stay fit and have a positive attitude).
If you buy a youth player from a higher league and decide he should be put in YOUR youth team, then he may not reach his potential, but he will strive to be good at your own league level.
As before, the better your Youth Facilities the better your youth team will run and grow as a whole.
1c. Youth Academy
This is where it gets a bit more simple, you either have a Youth Academy or you don't.
Lets put it this way, if your infertile then having children is a no-no for you, if you are a healthy person with no problems at all then having children is a very high possibility, you can think of a Youth Academy in the same way. If you are a team with potential and are in at least the blue square premier then you will have a good chance of having a Youth Academy to produce players. If you are financially poor, and your team isn't in a good state then a Youth Academy won't be the first thing your team have, if you can understand that.
If you have a Youth Academy it means you can produce youngsters for the future, if you don't then you will either have to buy them in, or do without basically.
2. Board / Finances / Club Reputation and how they affect your Facilities
Well now it's crunch time and i will go through this one by one and make it easier to understand, first of all we will explain the boards position in this.
In the 'Board Room' you will have options to 'Improve Training Facilities' and 'Improve Youth Facilities', which is fair enough. Now their are many different attitudes the board can have, they can either look to the future if so they will accept to improve, or be looking to just this season, which means they will decline. It depends on what their own aims are which determines how your request will be dealt with.
Finances come into play alot as well in this. Mainly because if you do not have enough money to improve any facilities then the facilities can't be improved can they? It's like being Everton, wanting to buy someone for 15m+ but not having enough money, you jsut won't be able to buy him. It's the same with improving facilities, if you don't have the money then the request will be rejected, if you do have to money then they might do you that favour to benefit the team.
Finally, Club Reputation, it's straight forward for this one. The better your team then the better chance you have of getting 'Top' facilities. Lets take the English leagues for example. If you are Manchester United, Chelsea or Arsenal your Youth Facilities and Training Facilities will probably be looking very impressive if not 'State Of The Art', where as if you are Grimsby then your facilities aren't going to be anywhere near as good as those other clubs. Of course if you manage to get Grimsby into the Premiership then getting good facilities will be alot easier as the board know the team deserves and needs it to compete with the others.
Well thats all i have time for at the moment lads and ladettes hopefully you can put this to use.
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Monday, August 11, 2008
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Training/Youth Facilities & Youth Academy Guide
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